Sunday, October 4, 2009

What are my interests?

What’s my ambition?

These questions always troubled me from my college days (I guess no one has asked these questions in my school) when I was trying to prepare the resume for the job. And it continued to trouble all the way throughout my job and even during my MBA. I am literally confused. It took 29 years for Gautama Buddha to look for the self realization concept, But were there competition during that time? With no MBAs, no summer internships, no recession, no IIT grading and no ranking at any places he had the luxury of waiting till 29 years. Anyway let me try to find the answers to these questions. Let it be a reality check - a humble effort to reinvent myself.

People don’t get convinced easily with a truthful answer. And no one expect it to be in that way for the above questions. I am crazy about watching movies (everyone in the world likes that), I like blogging (with less than 10 blogs how can you tell that?), trekking (oh..poor boy..less than 5 treks), swimming(still unable to complete 50m stretch in one shot ah?), sleeping (no one wants the element of truth), eating, online gaming (hey! Are you listening?), travelling (with more then 3 lakhs distance covered seems this is working) – People frown at me for these replies and promptly counter me with their next questions. These interests changes with time. I believe I have moved a long way from a boy who liked to be Prince of Persia to NFS Undercover.

Ambition is another loggerhead. I really wanted to be a police man when I was young (may be the cap or the whistle might have played the trick), then I wanted to be a driver (cool job, at least you can visit lots of places), it changed to air force pilot (serving the nation factor), then to some job where I can earn more and become rich. At some point of time I wanted to be a software engineer (thought I’ll play with coding and languages). This list went on and on. Later the options were converged to the only one..... Visual Merchandiser (at the time when even I didnt knew whats this is all about ) At that time, it was difficult to explain what visual merchandising is all about..People use to look at me with strange eyes... as if what the hell I'm doing with myself and what I'm upto...?

Its been long time now (almost 7 years). we have moved on and industry have learnt meaning of Visual merchandising And here am trying to reinvent myself and chisel my ambition plans ... of adding my own definition in visual merchandising..!!

I just wanted to be successful and famous. Am I asking too much?).

Sounds like a defective product? Am I the odd one out in the crowd? Don’t know. But that’s what I am.

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