Sunday, October 18, 2009


Before you find your "soul-mate' or The ONE, or the prince or princes of your dreams, and in case you have not had much luck yet, you might want to ask yourself if you are 'LOVABLE'.....?

I know it goes against the grain of many popular ideas about how we are all adorable just we are, and how much we deserve that great love, just because we exist, but, I am venturing out on a limp to suggest that becoming lovable might be the best plan of action, a better strategy than good cloths and witty comment at the ever-so-perfect moment. What makes people lovable. You know the kind of people who 'everyone' loves. they can be moderately attractive, but everybody wants to be close to them You don't need to be lovable, In fact I don't think this way. That must be claying life to have to fend off suitors and fib about your phone number as the like.....

But, if you are uptight, picky, uncompromising, and generally moody, well, there is still something you can become heartwarmingly, utterly, irresistibly lovable.
One thing which actually helps being loveable is....

Listen...!!!!! and

Now the fact of the life is, Everybody wants to be listened or heard. the more you listen, the more love you will find you get. Repeat what you have heard. Show with your eye contact and body language that you are listening. This one trait was Don Juan's greatest weapon, and a saints greatest gift. It's what people want then they will ever admit. Listen, and you will have better understanding. Listen and you will have choices. Listen and you will never ever have to be alone.........

Well, sharing my experience.... I use to be like this, thinking that I need someone in order for me to be happy and live a great life, but time after time, trying to get good friend and "be happy". But that's not what does it to you. If you set it in your head that you need someone in order to be happy then you are setting yourself up for huge disappointment. you should first make yourself happy with what you do the best, whatever that may be, and the people will begin to love you because you love yourself. That is the true key to relationships, and why they stay together. If you cannot love yourself, or be happy with yourself, then how do you alive right now is my goal in life and my dreams..... If not for that, I would have been dead a long time ago.... but I'm happy with myself because I'm a good artist, good friend, good son, and few other things. sure, happiness isn't always there, off course you'll run into sadness every now and then, and sometime, it will stay with you for a longer period. But, if you were always happy, you really wouldn't be happy, because you need a bit of sadness in order to know what's true happiness is.......


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